Hi could someone please mark my essay and give me feedback on what i need to improve on, Hoping to go for merit

It’s important to understand where human savagery and civilisation show their presence in modern society. Clint Eastwoods ‘Unforgiven’ shows the viewer aspects of humanity that make him or her consider where we tend to find human violence and savagery in the modern world. Eastwood communicates these ideas through the use of lighting techniques and camera shots.

‘Unforgiven’ tells the story of a man named William Munny, a failing pig farmer in Wyoming, 1881. Munny is actually a retired criminal who used to “kill women and children” However when he hears of a bounty set on a cowboy for assaulting and cutting a prostitute, he sets out to claim it. Throughout the film a contrast of dark and bright lighting are used in conjunction with high and low angled shots to influence the idea of civilisation versus savagery.

The opening scene of the film is where Delilah (the prostitute) is attacked by Quick Mike (the cowboy) Inside the building of the attack, dark and gloomy shadowing is used to emphasise the true nature of the attack. In the heat of the attack a high angle shot of Quick Mike is shown and shortly after a low angle shot of Delilah is shown. The viewer sees dark flashes and shadows on both peoples faces as the attack unfolds. This combination of film techniques is purposely used by Eastwood to show viewers violence within a civilisation. Eastwood wants the viewer to understand aspects of humanity that are violent, and in reality are extremely uncivilised for a supposed civilisation.

Further on into the film, the viewer witnesses another brutal attack. This time Little Bill (the local sheriff) attacks William Munny for his involvement in collecting the bounty. This occurs in the local saloon where dark lighting on the walls and dark figures of men create a disturbing tone. As Little Bill interrogates Munny before beating him, a close up shot of Munny’s face is shown covered in dark shadows staring coldly at the table. This sends a chill down the viewers spine as he or she understands the immorality of the scene. Eastwood wants the audience to feel uncomfortable in this scene as there are ideas such as civilisation versus savagery and violence in society that Eastwood wants the viewer to consider and relate to the modern society.

The contrasts to the two previously mentioned scenes are extremely important in building ideas and forming questions such as where do we most see violence in society? In both the attack on Delilah and the attack on Munny the scene is set inside the town (Big Whiskey) and inside dark buildings. However in the scene where Munny and Ned Logan (Munny ex criminal friend) are away from the town and away from civilisation the viewer sees beautiful camera shots of the surrounding nature. A long shot shows the vast mountainous terrain, this combined with the bright blue sky and lighting gives a sense of beauty and peacefulness to the audience. This contrast of civilisation and nature is an important concept that Eastwood wants the audience to understand.

The idea of civilisation versus savagery and violence in civilisation is an important concept that Eastwood shows the viewer through the contrast of dark and enclosed shots and bright lighting and spacious shots. Eastwood is trying to say to the viewer, how civilised is human civilisation?
Its questions like these that truly matter and that Eastwood wants the audience to reflect on.

In modern society where do we see violence occur the most? Of course it’s around cities and towns and most importantly civilization. This is somewhat ironic considering you would intuitively think civilisation would be “civilised”. The modern world, however, begs to differ. On the news we see riots, protests, inequality and human destruction especially in cities in America right now where Black Lives Matter protests turn into riots and small wars where people and cops resort to violence and eventually someone gets killed. So why do clusters of human society become more violent the more civilised we get? Eastwood points to the fact that it’s in human nature to be violent and that violence sadly is a part of who we are as a species. Unfortunately for us , humans are natural predators, our eyes at the front of our heads. Therefore aggression and violence are a big part of who we are. So does this make violence morally correct and justifiable?

The use of light and dark lighting as well as close-up shots and longshots in Clint Eastwood’s ‘Unforgiven’ show the viewer the idea of violence in society. Eastwood wants the audience to consider these ideas and relate them to the modern world and question the society we live in.

Kiā ora and welcome
Firstly, not too sure what the question or statement you are responding to is, which would help. Get back to me with it and I will look again. :grinning:

Sorry, I forgot to include it at the top. The question/statement is

The idea behind a text is the thing that matters

Kiā ora again, Thanks.
OK . With the Level 3 statements you need to really think about what is being asked and then create a case for it ( or against ). The idea behind the text is what matters. So this is looking for the purpose of the Director - supposedly he has an idea he wants the viewer to really think about and understand - he has manipulated techniques, characters, settings etc to make sure that we utterly ‘get’ what he is talking about.
In the introduction you establish that the idea that is important is that we need to understand where savagery and civilisation show their presence. It is really useful in the introduction to have a kind of philosophical or thoughtful set up where you look at the notion without referring to the film. So let’s think about why we need to understand where human savagery and civilisation show themselves. Is it important that we know that a singular part of human nature is savage? - what does this mean? does it stem from protecting the individual? maybe we need to be warned? maybe we need to know what causes it? Is it contrasted with civilisation because one balances the other? Is the conflict between the two notions because the film is exposing a basic contradiction we have as humans?
You can think about this in your revision. Just what is the film about and why was it made.
Good to see techniques established early on. Your synopsis is succinct and clear but it might be interesting to consider the reason he takes the bounty for doing a good deed?
The lighting is a great technique to show the contrast.

Think about the way you add the tie back to the question in the essay.
Eg. Eastwood wants the viewer to understand aspects of humanity that are violent, and in reality are extremely uncivilised for a supposed civilisation.
To be convincing or insightful you need to think about why he wants them to understand this? This is the stuff that could be in the set up.
The contrast between nature and civilisation could also be developed to suggest the contrast, there is an irony there, the natural beauty suggests peace and control, but realistically it is also savage.
You know the film well, have integrated techniques well, chosen good examples, now you need to work on setting up a case that explores the deeper set up. How about you try another one? :+1: