Are we getting the right type of pressure from our "close"ones? what are we actually doing to oursleves|| is this an E7/8 speech?

So today is the first day of school and the new school year begins. We are dealing with classes, sports, and homework. While most of us will face peer pressure on this day. We are either receiving one of the two types of peer pressure, positive peer pressure or negative peer pressure. However, teen peer pressure can only be positive every so often however we all know the reality that teen peer pressure mostly consists of negativity. Peer pressure happens way too often in our lives and we don’t even realise it and we face the consequences of it almost every day. As teenagers tend to leave the real ones behind and pin up with the negative ones where we face the negative peer pressure while the real ones give us the positive peer pressure, pressuring us into being more ambitious and allowing us to be the real us.

We are all surrounded by our peers, people our age. Who has experiences and pastimes much like ours we make a handful of different choices every day and are empowered by each other’s choices and practices. Be that as it may, young people like us are affected by the help of companions since they need to fit in, be like the friends they admire, and do what others are doing or what others have. No one is immune to peer pressure. Pressure has the strength to create diamonds, but it needs to be “right” pressure.

There are many advantages of peer pressure if your peers are good. Good friends set plenty of true examples for each other. If your friends are devoted to doing well in college or sports then they are able to impact the ones around them to be goal-oriented. “Secondly, friends who are kind and loyal can impact others to construct these characteristics in themselves. What is greater, peers can help each other make choices along with what” courses to take and even how to handle their own family problems. Friends may get each other appropriate and helpful recommendations. “One’s world would be far less rich without ecoughtment or to provide ethical support when one needs it the most.”

On the other hand, bad friends may also pressurise us into doing something wrong, consisting of shoplifting, smoking, and consumption of alcohol. However negative peer pressure has an immense “amount of effect on the inner us”. Negative peer pressure lowers our self-esteem. In a few cases, teenagers locate themselves overly dependent on their peers, because they start to develop issues with self-confidence. Teasing from others can cause young adults to experience as though they aren’t as good enough. An article by stated that over “50%-60% of teenagers who suffer from negative peer pressure, causes them to decrease their self-confidence which can later lead to poor academic performance in school and an increase in depression and anxiety.” Now negative peer pressure is such a huge deal many teenagers choose to turn a blind eye to it. “If all of that is left untreated, this will sooner or later lead young teenagers to have interaction self-harm or even to have suicidal thoughts. Peer pressure is one of the biggest reasons why the teenager age group has the highest suicide rate”

Everyone has their own different experience in everything. But when it comes to peer pressure everyone has the same experience. Over 90% of teens suffer from peer pressure, yet don’t even realize what they are doing to themselves to fit in with or peers in order to be more “cool”. We all know what positive and negative peer pressure is yet we still pin up with those same negative people who bury yourself the confidence to stop you from the “real” you from the use of peer pressure.

We tend to break more healthy relationships than bad ones. An article from “The Sydney herald stated that research found that up to 70% of close and healthy friendship breaks”. Why? Is this the case we leave the real ones behind and end up with the fake ones? We need to be way more conscious of who we are spending our time with and perhaps give a thought to what type of pressure we are receiving from the “close ones”

Peer pressure can be negative and positive. Peer pressure teaches us that there are serious consequences to the action we make and that either positive or negative affects our future. We should be more aware of the type of peer pressure we are getting from our “close ones” and not be influenced to make decisions that are not against our will. Ultimately we have the bailey to discern when things are good or bad for ourselves. Allow yourself the space to make the decisions When you are comfortable and know that it is okay to set boundaries.

Kiā ora sahul and welcome to Studyit.
What a great topic for a speech! The introduction is a really important part of a speech and you need to grab the attention of your audience and clearly signal where you are going to go and what you are going to look at. Ways to do this are with anecdotes or little stories and you start a little like this. How about extending just a little the notion of the first day at school and how you are feeling while dealing with all of the things? Then you can make the point that peer pressure is occurring and maybe give an example. Good to set up the two sides of peer pressure. Maybe you could list advantages of each?
You go on to look at peer pressure in general and this maybe more appropriate before you look at the negative and positive pressure. think about the organisation.
Paragraphs 3 and 4 are well organised. You are clearly talking about each type of pressure and giving examples.
Maybe think about making the point about the results of negative peer pressure clearer.
The conclusion comes back well to the point but maybe you could think about coming back to that first day at school to end it?

The content is just half of the standard.
Once you have a good speech in terms of content you need to think about the delivery and how best to do that. Consider body language, tone, pausing etc.
A good idea is to print out your notes in a large font - this means that when you look up and then back at your speech you can find your place easily. Then go through and where you would take a pause press enter and have it go to the next line.
Here is an example
The first is in a 12 font and not formatted in any way
Greetings and Salutations to the esteemed Judge and august members of the judiciary who are presiding over this court hearing.
What price a life? For all of us, in this room; all members of families, all citizens of countries and all members of the world community, there can only be one answer. A life is beyond price.
Now try this.

and Salutations
to the esteemed Judge
and august members
of the Korean judiciary
who are presiding
over this court hearing.
What price a life?
For all of us, in this room;
all members of families,
all citizens of countries
and all members of the world community,
there can only be one answer.
A life
is beyond price.

If that is in a 28 font (sorry, you will need to copy and paste it to see what it actually would look like) it shows how easy it is to get the natural pause.
Then think about the bits you want to highlight and how you could make them stand out with greater volume maybe,or a slower pace.
This is a lot of information but hope it helps.

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Thank you so much for the helpful tips… ill work on my speech right away :slight_smile:

So, today is the first day of the new school year. We have classes, sports, and homework to deal with. While most of us will be overwhelmed by something that is silent and unseen, it is very loud and obvious, causing us to change the way we act, talk, and behave. Negative peer pressure from the “close ones” is causing us extreme stress. The pressure to look pretty and different and to become accustomed to harmful substances, but those who stand by your side removed the wind that used to blow you along with all the dust and leaves, and those who stand by your side removed the pressure that used to follow you all the way along by using positive peer pressure. However, teens can only receive positive peer pressure every so often while the rest is negative pressure. Peer pressure happens too often in our daily lives and faces the consequences of it almost every day. It is to be said we teenagers tend to leave the real ones behind and pin up with the negative ones where we face the negative peer pressure while the real ones give us the positive peer pressure, pressuring us into being more ambitious and allowing us to be the real us.

There are many advantages of peer pressure if your peers are good. Good friends set plenty of true examples for each other. If your friends are devoted to doing well in college or sports then they are able to impact the ones around them to be goal-oriented. “Secondly, friends who are kind and loyal can impact others to construct these characteristics in themselves. What is greater, peers can help each other make choices along with what” courses to take and even how to handle their own family problems. Friends may get each other appropriate and helpful recommendations. “One’s world would be far less rich without encouragement or to provide ethical support when one needs it the most.”
On the other hand, bad friends may also pressurise us into doing something wrong, consisting of shoplifting, smoking, and consumption of alcohol. However negative peer pressure has an immense “amount of effect on the inner us”. Negative peer pressure lowers our self-esteem. In a few cases, teenagers locate themselves overly dependent on their peers, because they start to develop issues with self-confidence. Teasing from others can cause young adults to experience as though they aren’t as good enough. An article stated that over “50%-60% of teenagers who suffer from negative peer pressure, causes them to decrease their self-confidence which can later lead to poor academic performance in school and an increase in depression and anxiety.” Now negative peer pressure is such a huge deal many teenagers choose to turn a blind eye to it. “If all of that is left untreated, this will sooner or later lead young teenagers to have interaction self-harm or even to have suicidal thoughts. Peer pressure is one of the biggest reasons why the teenager age group has the highest suicide rate”
Everyone has their own different experience in everything. But when it comes to peer pressure everyone has the same experience. While over 90% of teens who suffer from negative peer pressure, don’t realize what they are doing to themselves to fit in with their peers in order to be more “cool”. We all know what positive and negative peer pressure is now, We now need to be more conscious of who we are spending our time with and perhaps give a thought to what type of pressure we are receiving from the “close ones”
Peer pressure teaches us that there are serious consequences to the action we make and that either positive or negative affects our future. We should be more aware of the type of peer pressure we are getting from our “close ones” and not be influenced to make decisions that are not against our will. Now when it comes to the first day of school we now have enough knowledge and understanding to the ability to discern when things are good or bad for ourselves. Allow yourself the space to make the decisions when you are comfortable and know that it is okay to set boundaries.

Hii just wondering if this is good?

Kiā ora again
It is looking clearer. Great to come back at the end to the day at school and with a positive message. The middle is clear too with the differences between the positive and negative. The introduction could be clearer, I think. In the conclusion you talk about the consequences of bowing to peer pressure be it negative or positive and this is something that could be made clearer in the intro. So maybe before you go into the negative pressure you could introduce the concept of general peer pressure.
Perhaps try that and see how it looks.
:+1: JD